Auto Block Digging, Translator and UTF-8

(Well it’s been some time I’m aware… well college and stuff.., was little busy.) Anyway some improvements were made. New Language selector screen was added. Translator and UTF-8 First big thing is Translator which is simple static class that offers method translate(String& key)(obviously). Usually it’s good thing to separate strings that are shown to user from strings in source code, preferably store them in some .txt file. Also adding another language is as simple as adding another lang file and registering the language in code....

January 26, 2021 · 4 min · Matěj Černý

3D Editor Update

Gotta admit that in this update there was really not much in Terraria clone (Sandbox project). Nevertheless here are some minor tweaks for the Terraria clone: Optimized Particle renderer Fixed particle fadeaway effect Once again added support for spawning particles using Lua. Now for the many new things in the engine itself (NiceDay project): Mono C#, Added crude support for using C# as another scripting language (apart form Lua) If hotswaps are enabled, application will look every second at Managed....

September 25, 2020 · 2 min · Matěj Černý

JSONification of Blocks, Docking

The amount of data in blocks.cpp has become impossible to maintain. I decided to outsource the data to json files located in res/registry. There is no space in cpp code for that! To add new block, one no longer needs to write an entry in header file as well as cpp files. To add a new block: 1. add entry to blocks.ids (choose unique id for the block) 2. add json map object to blocks....

July 14, 2020 · 3 min · Matěj Černý

Sun, Moon and Stars, Sound

Well, it has been 5 months since last TIMELINE entry, but that doesn’t mean that I haven’t done anything, not even close! As it’s obvious from the title Engine now finally has full Sound support. There are three main parts to this madness: libogg (for loading sound streams) libvorbis (for decoding ogg sound streams) and finally portaudio to play the data and yeah of course the thing I wrote… Gotta admit that I was considering using some already available sound engines, mainly OpenAL but since it’s not entirely free to use (API is, implementation is not) I decided to write my own....

April 28, 2020 · 3 min · Matěj Černý

Lua, Items and XMas

Even though adding scripting language to the engine was in DEEP FUTURE plans, once I realized how easy it would be to just rewrite one text line, hit enter and spawn particles with slightly tweaked velocities instead of recompiling the whole game again I finally decided that that time had come. Ladies and gentlemen, Brace yourself for… The Story of adding Lua: Adding lua itself was the easiest thing, simply add statically native lua lib and that was it, then I used ConsoleWindow template found in imgui_demo....

December 24, 2019 · 4 min · Matěj Černý