
Let’s make Terraria in C++! I decided to make a “simple” clone of Terraria in C++ using my own engine which is being created on the go. I decided to create this game/engine in order to improve my programming skills in C++ and see, how “easy” it is to recreate such a popular 2D pixelart-ish game in C++ with only a “few” 3rd party libraries. Well, if there is a hell in the world… I think I’ve found it....

April 4, 2019 · 1 min · Matěj Černý

Christmas Game Adventure

I started working on this game circa 2 weeks before Xmas in 2016. You know, I was feeling festive and had a great deal of free time on my hands, so why not put my creativity into good use. My hopes, that I could put it under my Xmas tree, were mercilessly crushed, though. Writing the story, drawing all textures, dubbing the whole thing and coding the game engine itself had rendered itself not to be as straightforward as my young and feeble mind expected (surprisingly)....

July 30, 2017 · 3 min · Matěj Černý